Wednesday, May 9, 2012

old books, hidden treasure

taking a break in between doing diy, i am tidying the Church library to reopen it for the sunday school dear mum, being such a sweetie as she always is, dug out loads of Christian books and donated them to the church, to support my cause, and also to help the library look less pathetic. 

and while tidying them, i found this book. and i must say, the title totally made me stop for a moment. 

its a crazy crazy world that we live in. contemporary, modern thinking, as hippie and as trend/era setting as they may seem, are only drawing us backwards into the times where morals are no longer valued. many life's are ruined by sins, dressed under the guise of modern values like 'individualism', and 'materialism'. 

this book comes in too timely to explain the very cause of all these undesirable phenomenon that we see happening around us like the norm . 

 'the agony of the person today' 

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