Wednesday, August 14, 2013

foreign land

it has been almost a year since i serve as our church youth fellowship's chairperson. this was one of the first programme that i had planned for the group, a cosy reflection, thanksgiving and encouragement session. here, everyone made a little encouragement book for the person whom they have balloted and everyone gets to write something encouraging inside for the person. 

today as i look back, i wonder how far have we come thus far as a fellowship. looking back at the me then, i was full of vigour, full of passion, dreams and hope to make this a better place that everyone could call home. i dont know how have my members taken it. but its such an irony that i stand in solitude here and i wonder how long more can my tired legs carry me. yes you may say God is there to lead and guide me and carry me through, but now, i am tired, really tired. i want to take a seat by the side of this road and rest my tired legs. 

dear God, i'm sorry, i am really tired and weak now. please help me. 

more happy people drawings

white, red and black ramen @ vivo city

the CEO and his four wives

 i guess many people have read the story about the CEO/rich man and his 4 wives, and how that story relates to each and everyone of us.

i must admit, Facebook sometimes have good reads that i can tap on and share with my sunday school kids to teach them some life lessons and how they, or rather each of us needs God in our lives.

awfully chocolate @ katong

not so awesome awfully chocolate main. the chocolate drink was great. thick and smooth, so thick and so smooth that you must drink it in a shoot glass. miso spag was nah. spag as not well-cooked, and it dint taste of any miso. great disappointment! for the price we paid, i would say, its not worth the try at all, unless you want to try to chocolate drink, if not you can definitely find cheaper and better options else where.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

dear friends, you dont know

with the proliferating use of social media, some social etiquette must be taught and learnt. for the things you post though may not be intentional, will be read by your friends, your relatives, common friends, the person you are hinting at. by having another person liking or commenting in support of your post, does not help. dear friends of friend, you do not know that the comment you post cursing that shadowed person that is being pointed to in the status post to "go and die" is actually reading your post and at the verge of giving up life. your unintended insensitive comment, can be an indirect stream of poison added to the situation. dear friend of friend, you do not know the other side of the story, please do not comment or curse as freely as if the intended person does not read it. you never know he/she is reading it as you happily forgot what you have written. dear friend, i urge you, in anger or frustration, restrain yourself and do not post anything that will cast a shadow on someone and try to gain likes from your friends. dear friends of friend, by your little click or small comment, you never know you might have hurt the person that you dint know is the receiving end of this. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

its a short week because its our birthday!

 it was one of my closest colleague's last day in office today, and thats the little pressie she gave me. awwww i'll miss her much. she was a great team member, and good colleague and a friend that always lent me a listening ear when i needed one and encouraged me when i was disheartened at work.

this week is such a lazy week with 2 public holidays back to back plus i took a day off from work to sleep and enjoy the peace at home. so here, i only have 2 outfits for the week. 

Monday, August 5, 2013


it was all so coincidental. by right, i am supposed to be at work, by right, she was supposed to be at home. but by left, we were both not at where we were supposed to be and that's how amazing that life brought us to meet again.

she is my primary school art teacher and then primary 4 form teacher. she was fierce, she once pushed my head because i did something wrong, i guess it was some careless mistake that i made in my worksheet. i remembered crying once i got back to my seat. but she was the one that inspired me, developed my passion for drawing, for art. she gave me the chance to take part in art competitions, win top prizes and opened my eyes to different genre of art forms.

after leaving primary school i made a few visits back but only learnt that she has retired the year i left. i had always wanted to find her contacts, to contact her again. there was a chance i managed to fish out her mobile number for a fellow teacher but lost all of my precious contacts when i was pick pocketed in russia. there and then, i thought, there is no chance to keep in touch with her.

but today, it was just so amazing. she came out of her car while my mum drove passed and i just stare at her in shock. my mum pulled over so that i could catch up with her and its just amazing how fate has gave us the chance to meet again.

life's amazing isnt it?

01 Aug 2013 Happy Birthday NHB

my organisation turned 20 last thursday. happy birthday National Heritage Board! 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Love & Co.

 my engagement ring. 

 since our wedding bands are not here yet, let me just flaunt my engagement ring then! 
if you were wondering, engagement ring is not from Love & Co. 

free gifts that we got from Love & Co. for purchasing our wedding bands from them. 

we have been to quite a number of shops, even to Love & Co. some time before earlier in the year, but none attracted our eyes, in fact most of them were quite common looking and was a disappointment. but yesterday, we found a perfect pair. and best of all, the male ring fitted him perfectly. i dont mean the size here, but rather the look of it was just perfect for him, and thing is, he really loved loved it! so we decided to get that pair. no pictures here for you, because good things ought to wait. but if you are impatient, you can check out LVCNoeud

stripes, chevrons and patterns

Friday, August 2, 2013

Amazing Grace; My Chains are Gone

such a touching re-composed hymn that i must share, been having it on loop for the whole day. God's grace is amazing and we must sing about it!

Amazing grace how sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
i once was lost, but now i'm found
was blind, but now i see. 

t'was grace that taught my heart to fear
and grace my fears relieved
how precious did that grace appear
the hour i first believed

my chains are gone
i've been set free
my God, my savior has ransomed me
and like a flood His mercy reigns
unending love, Amazing grace

the earth shall soon dissolve like snow
the sun will cease to shine
but God, who called me here below
will be forever min
you are forever mine

Thursday, August 1, 2013

heels they empower me

Mission Convention 2013 Youth Programe

20 - 21 July, we had our annual church Mission Convention. this year we had something different, we had the youth programme. basically youths were split into 3 groups and they were each assigned a country to research on and set up a booth to share with fellow church members more about this. what i have here is the commitment board that i designed and put up for the event. behind is the photo board that a young church brother did.

mission work needs the support of the church. monetary support is the most conventional way that many would choose to support the work of missionaries, but really, prayer support is just as important. here the commitment card that i have created allows anyone who picks it up to make a personal commitment in whatever way they could to support mission work. i should get a close up shot but i'm so sorry i dint. but dont you like the idea?!?