Tuesday, November 30, 2010


this is one word that is so powerful
that i need it so badly now!

i need so see some hope,
i am feeling so hope-less inside.
save me oh Lord,
help me to trust and keep faith in You,

Monday, November 29, 2010


it officially the end of my fateful year 3 semester 1. come to think of it, time flies.

learning... ...

company law, its so interesting to learn how companies function, learn about things that used to riddle my so non-business inclined brain like stocks, shares, charges, etc. i really love company law, its so interesting! company is no longer just a term i would think of like before anymore. it has become more like a new friend to me.

ethics was challenging, so brain-teasing it makes me want to pull out my hair and cry. its just so weird to start thinking about ethical dilemmas when i am day-dreaming. i dont think i really like ethics so much, but it just surprises me how they suddenly come into my mind and steal a moment of my time to ponder about them.

trade law, the first half was full of learning new knowledge about private international law, but the second, i think it was a waste of time.

technology and world change, well its a university core. i still dont understand why do i have to study it even till now that i am done with the module. but i think it helps me to understand how the world progressed and function over its long history.

studying... ...

studying, its such a chore, but pasting post-it notes to flag my notes and articles like crazy definitely added a tint of colour to the grey studying routines.
at the end of the day, which student wont want their effort to mark up to the grades they get?

holidays... ...

hello holidays!!! i am in such a love-hate relationship with you! i love you because you mean freedom, but i hate you because, you make me waste time like water running from the tap.

this might just be a longest winter holiday that i am having, but i am not going to look for an internship to keep myself occupied. all i want to do, is spend lots of time here with the people who love me, and whom i love, doing crazy yet memorable stuff together and treasuring every moment i can spend with them now.

actually, i love learning, its so fun, provided its without the studying.

Monday, November 8, 2010

your smile

these few days,
blue is the colour of the air we breathe in.
quietness is the language we speak in.
i forgot how your smile looked like,
i forgot how i felt so fuzzy in your arms,
i looked at the photos that fills my album,
i see you smile again,
i see myself smile again,
bolted back into reality,
purple is the colour that fills my air,
its red, mixed with blue.
uncertainty is the language we speak.
i want to see you smile again,
i want to smile again.