Thursday, May 3, 2012

[diy] cupcake's cup and pebbles

when you are such a failure with making cupcakes, 
and you realised you have stock up lots of cupcake cups at home, 
you need some way to get rid of them constructively. 
 statement necklace is the solution again!

you will need:
1. aluminium cupcake cup
2. pebbles
3. nail polish
4. ribbons
6. super glue 
7. flat pliers

 step 1. get your cupcake cup, cut it out the bottom of the cup out and flatten it like this. 
fold it to half its width using flat pliers. (they look like scissors, but are flat)
use the pliers to make a little loop at the ends. 

 step 2. get pebbles, and nail polish of desired colour. 
paint the reverse side of each pebble with the nail colour and leave to dry. (see photo below)

 dont be stingy with the amount of nail polish you use here, 
if the coat is too thin, the colour will not turn out as distinctively as desired. 

 you should end your metal piece like this, with a little loop to thread the ribbon through.
step 3. cut 2 pieces of ribbon and thread them through each loop. 
on one end, sew a button on it, and on the other, tie 2 knots, 
leaving a space between them to loop your button through to put on the necklace. 

step 4. arrange your pebbles on the metal piece, once you are happy with the arrangement, 
stick them down using super glue. use super glue lusciously. 
drop a drop of super glue between each pebble so that the metal piece will not fold over. 


are you inspired to make your own today?

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