Friday, April 27, 2012

upgraded and moving forward

its almost 4 years since i started blogging. this is the 4th template that i have upgraded to. its my most favourite so far, simple and minimalist. 

i would like to say a big thank you to all those who have been reading my blog all these years, giving me really sweet comments about my posts and sorts. 

i have moved my blog's status from 'inside out, upside down', to 'create and inspire' in this latest version of my blog. if you dint know, the previous skin's 'create and inspire' was a came along. here, i have fully adopted this name for my blog. reason for this, well, i think its time for my blog to move on. 

i used to blog about my thoughts, and about life, now i have 2 new additions to my blog, diy and fashion. well i am pretty much new at these 2, so pardon me if they aren't as impressive as other fashion or fashion diy bloggers. the reason for this new addition, is the inspiration that came after reading too many fashion and fashion diy blogs. 

the fun about diy, is the joy of experimenting during the process of recreating, and the sense of achievement when you flaunt those diy clothes and accessories out. think it this way, the clothes that you wear, is diy-ed by other people. why do you dare wear what others made, but not yourself? 

and fashion, well it always interest. my belief in fashion, creating the fashionable or rather, presentable look, 
with affordable clothes. 

there are some changes to my blog, so let me help you, cbox is gone, so if you have any comments for me, 
please hit 'comment' at the bottom of each post. with this new template, you can now share my post on facebook or '+1' them or tweet them, you can also opt to be one of my 'followers'. 

if you like my post(s), please spread it around. 

thank you. 

xoxo author 

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