Wednesday, April 4, 2012

power of the introverts

the myth is that shy people are introverts, well they might not be. 
introverts are defined by how one re-energises themselves. 
if you sit at a corner, or watch tv at the end of a hard day's work to feel refreshed again, 
you are an introvert. 
if you find yourself heading off to the club, or calling your buddies out for a chat, 
then high chances are, you are an extrovert. 

the other day in class, my prof showed us a video :
'the power of the introverts'. 

summary of the video:
well, it is good that our education system gets us to work in groups, brain storm together, voice out our opinions and all, but at then end of the day, it is those that think in the silence, that have such brilliant ideas that revolutionalised the world. so if you are an introvert, give yourself that space to be one, dont let the society mould you to be an extrovert because we need introverts. they are the ones that have the greatest ideas that will change our lives. 

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