Thursday, April 5, 2012


i came across someone sharing on her blog how her closet looks like, 
and how she keeps her accessories. (in compartmentalised trays)
i thought i would make a post about mine too. 

i think i prefer my version of storage. 
it works like a deco for my room too. 
2 in 1! i like that idea! 
(just for some suspense)
in case you were wondering where to get this 'hanger', 
well its from ikea. less than $10, $9+ if i am not wrong. 
colourful clips are from popular. you can easily get a box there. 

some of the accessories here are contributed by my sweet boyfriend. 
the heart-shaped lock necklace, and tiffany co. inspired bracelet. 

oh! and if you catch a diamond laced butterfly, 
big thanks to jov, that was her pressie to me few years ago 
for my birthday if i did not remember it wrongly.

i especially love this photo. 
if you cant see the focus of this photo, 
its the caged bird. 
thats how i am feeling now. 

you can compare this with the previous photo. this is taken without effect. 

 no birds hiding in here, so dontcha worry!

you spot leopard prints? they were free come-together with this top that i bought.
such a cool combination with blood red singlet, but i never dare try it.

if you where wondering how i take such pretty photos, 
smart phones with cool camera apps does the magic. 
i'm using camera 360 app, lomo and retro styles.
 (its all in 1 app if you were wondering, and there are about 10 different styles to choose from)

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