Thursday, April 26, 2012

[diy] flaunt those eco-bags

i'm sure you have eco-bags at home. 
and some of them look really really ugly, 
you rather keep them in the storeroom. 

maybe after reading this post, you might think twice. 

eco-clutch bag, you will need:
1. 2 eco bags of about the same size
2. paint (acrylic and fabric paints)
3. brushes. 
4. needle and threads
5. zipper
6. hair dryer. 

 step 1. cut off the straps of both bags. here i have cut them out. 
for this clutch, i want the grey eco bag to fit inside the black one,
because the grey one is smaller than the black one. 

 step 2. decide where you want the neon colour to show out, 
paint at least 2 coats of white acrylic paints. blow dry using hair dyer between coats. 
because this is a dark colour eco bag, and you want the neon colour to stand out.

 step 3. once you are done with the base coat, 
paint another 2 layers of your desired colour (fabric paint). 
likewise let dry between coats. 

 step 4. because i want the grey bag to be inside the black one, 
i turn both inside out, then i cut off the sides of the grey bag, 
so that it opens up as 1 big sheet. 

 step 5. i place the black bag (turned inside out) between the fold of the grey bag. 
i use needles to pin the bags together to secure them.

 step 6. using a pen and ruler, 
i draw a line to mark where i want to sew the bags together. 
do the same for the other side. 

 step 7. once you are done, trim off the excess fabric.
you should end up as shown in the photo. 

 step 8. you can sew your bag to the zipper while still inside out, 
or turn it out and sew the zipper on. 
either way, you should end up like the photo below. 

true colour of the clutch. 
i have 3 compartments here, you can add Velcro to close the other 2 compartments.

now you have a 'branded' clutch, with a little chic twist. 

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