Wednesday, April 11, 2012

[diy] homemade fondue

i think everyone loves to eat fondue, 
but what about making your very own home-made Fondue 
to cut cost, and have your own choice of treats to dip in the chocolate?
sounds good?

if you are thinking, 
'i dont own a fondue set! how isit possible to make it myself?'
then maybe this will inspire you!
no fancy tools, no expensive utensils, 
everything that i use here, are those you can find easily around the kitchen.

so get your taste buds excited!!!!

 photos of my home-made fondue. 
his comments : as good as those sold outside!

you will need : 
1. tea candle(s)
2. steamer stand (the metal stand that you put inside your steamer for you to place your food on them. if you still have no idea what it is, look at my photo, its the metal thing that my chocolate dip is sitting on)
3. nutella (1 bottle)
4. chocolate chips for baking
5. fruits (banana works best, but you can have any fruits that you like)
6. biscuits
7. marshmallows! (here i have the normal ones, and those with green tea fillings)
8. Belgium waffles 
9. hazelnuts  
10. a cup of water. 

how to make the fondue:
1. scope as much nutella as you like into a bowl (the one that you will use to hold your fondue, metal bowl or ceramic bowl is preferred, because they can stand the heat concentrated on a small area)
2. add some chocolate chips, and add some water
3. heat the mixture over the candle, or if its faster, use the stove (small fire).
4. stir the mixture in small motions until mixture becomes even.
5. taste the mixture and see if its to your liking, if not, repeat steps above until you get your perfect taste
5. now you are ready to enjoy your very own fondue!

hope you like the share! 

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