Friday, June 22, 2012

[tips] clean out those old never worn more than once clothes

how long have you not clean up your cabinet? well, i do it quite often, once every holiday i have between my semester. how do you decide what to throw out? well i found this really good tip on facebook. (you see, how helpful facebook can be sometimes) anyway, the suggestion goes as follows, at the beginning of each year, hang all your clothes from inside out, that means to say the hook faces you. each time you wear a piece and hang them back again, hang it outside in like how i hang mine in the above photo. at the end of the year, throw out clothes that are left hung inside out. that sounds like a really good suggestion because how many times have i looked at a piece and tell myself, 'lets give it another chance', 'i will wear it soon', only to realise a month after another has passed and soon another year it sits inside my wardrobe, not seeing the sunlight. 

i hope this has inspired you to throw out clothes that will see the sunlight on other people's body. 

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