Tuesday, June 26, 2012

if everything goes on well... it might be my last for now

if you read my post title and thought i will be closing down my dear blog, i am here to console you that no, thats not what i want to talk about in this post.

well, today is probably the 8th job interview that i've gone for. the interviewer shared so much with me, i would like to spend some moment reflecting on these 2 months of interviews.

he told me, if you see your degree as a certificate, it will always hinder you, but if you see your degree as a knowledge, it will be your stepping stone, bring you to greater heights, places that you've never imagined you will be. well, how true is that. after so many years of studying, why do people want to enter uni, get a degree? because we all have great dreams. dreams that we all once thought will become a reality if only we had that piece of certificate. but as we graduate and step into the corporate world, dreams soon diminish, and eventually, we ask. 'so what can you offer me? do you want to hire me? there is no longer any expectations, just give me a damn job must be the phrase that goes though a fresh grad job seeker's mind eventually. how true is that! i think i have been consumed into this cycle. i no longer have expectations, i no longer dream, all i ask for is a job. how pathetic am i now. i ought to make my degree as a stepping stone to reach my dreams.

you know, during job interviews, they ask you questions like 'what do you want in life?' 'what is success to you?' let me tackle them one at a time.

after going through these 2 months, i can say for now, what i want in life. to be very practical, or rather, i'm always a very pragmatic and at times idealist person. we have plans to apply for a flat soon, and we have agreed on the age we probably would want to tie the knot, so for that, money is really essential. no, i do not want you to think of me as a money minded person. money that is enough for our future use, and with some surplus so that i can save up, thats all i'm asking for. i want to make enough money to have a decent wedding (note, i dont need a century wedding) without having to loan from the bank, i want to be able to afford our flat together and decorate our home the way we want it...dream home. i want to have enough money so that my future kids will never have to worry about not having enough every other day. i want to have enough money so that when my parents need them, i dont have to squeeze them out for them because i dont have enough. thats the first part of it. second, all i want in this life, is to walk God's way, till the day i turn old, or the day i see Him again, that i can say, i followed my God all though my life. Thats what i really want in life.

what is success then to me? well, its about earning enough so that i never have to worry about not having money for my kids, or my parents, or for my loans. and i want to do something that i am passionate about. and most importantly, i have the time to spend serving Him, and with my family. that, to me is success.

have you giving some thoughts about your life? maybe its time if you haven. 

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