Thursday, June 21, 2012

oh so you wear this... magnetic bracelet

you know, i love accessories. i never feel that my outfit is complete without them. so i always wear at least one necklace. and since i bump upon something which i term as 'necklace layering' i wear multiple necklaces to complete the desired look. bracelets are something i always want to wear. i envy those who wear multiple bracelets and take pretty photographs of them to show them on their blog. but me, being a really rugged person, i am never good with wearing bracelets. i tired a few times, but everytime i am in class, or when i have to write something, i remove them so that they dont cause pain to me while i write. eventually, it was too much a hassle, i gave up wearing them altogether. now i stick by wearing a watch and this metallic bracelet. thats all. 

so many people have came up to me and tell me/made the comment/ask me if the metallic bracelet that i wear is the magnetic one which claims to improve your health by simply wearing it. trust me to say this, i never believe in such things. 

well, there is a lovely story behind this bracelet. it was given to me by my then 1 month old boyfriend on my 21st birthday. he told me he picked this design because its like the 'cross' holds us together, and he say, 'wear it everytime, just like how i hold your hands tight. awww he's so sweet dont you agree? and really, how right can he be to commit our relationship into His hands. i prayed to find the one before i turn 21, and He heard my prayer, He brought us together. since then, i have been wearing this bracelet everytiime i leave the house, because it reminds me of him. 

slightly more than 2 years on, i cannot say how happy i am that we are still together. i cannot say we have never quarrelled, all couples do, but like what i always tell him, its not about finding the best person to be with, but being the best person for the right person. i dare say, we are working towards that goal. 

its the 4th day that he is away, and the 11th day that we haven been able to see each other. i just want to say, i really miss you a lot. please come back in one piece soon! 

aside from that long prose, here's the vintage watch that caught my attention when i was blog hopping. she was selling it for 22 and i was so tempted to buy it. but my fingers were too slow to place an order before it was sold out. so during my bangkok trip, i searched high and low for the alternative piece and got mine (seen in the photo above) for $6 only!

talk about vintage, talk about love! 

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