Sunday, January 20, 2008


(sat in for their lesson)

i watched how she presented her lesson,
listened to every word, every comment she made.
noted whatever was needed,

i am determined to reVamp practically everything.
1. the way lesson is being taught
2. the interaction between teacher and student
3. the kids mindset
4. be their friends, be the facilitator
5. simplify profound terms that i too at times
find difficult to comprehend
6. more talking done by the students
7. break down the stigma in them
8. make them thinking individuals
9. provide a platform for them to share
10. understand their needs

ultimately, their relationship with GOD
is the most important -
to foster one that is closer to HIM,
so that even when they are old,
they continue to live in YOU,
your words.

if you take pleasure in the
works of my hand,
please guide me on
as i put all my worries unto you,
for nothing is impossible in you.

-i say a little prayer to you-
(listen to me, let me see your ways)

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