Tuesday, January 1, 2008


what will you unfold into?

anxiety will fill this year as i await for the release of the 2007 A level results.
i'm not sure what awaits me at the end of this seems to be very long break.
may it be something that is worth the effort that i have put in these 2 years.
may it glorify the Lord that has taken care and guided me through
all those big and small exams that i feared too much
not to have cleared them and repeat another year.

but before i wonder what this year will bring to me,
i'll sing praises to the ALMIGHTY one for HE has his ways for me,
though i may not understand them at times
and questioned too quickly to see the beauty and wisdom
that HE has put into planning my life.
i thank-you for all that you've done for me,
may i continue to grow in your
everlasting words, love, blessings, grace, and wisdom.

this year, will also unfold another new chapter of my life.
Nanyang is over, but i will still miss it too dearly,
from the building, to your mesmorising night beauty,
to the principal who left a great impression, and accepted what the youths thought,
to the caring passionate teachers, the lessons they spent nights preparing,
to all those special you(s) that have brought laughter and tears to me.
all have left beautiful footprints in my memory that i'll never forget.

tomorrow i'll experience something that i've missed
because i had no privilege of holding any leadership post
that forfeited my chance of any job attachment.
for this hard to come by chance, i'll work hard,
I will PROVE IT!

make a wish, make a wish,
may i be blessed with the university and the course that is suitable for me.
my brains too, please dont get too rusty before school reopens some time later.

to my friends out there,
be it those that i've not seen you for a long time or talk to for the past years,
i hope that this year, whatever friendship that was neglected,
will find its foundations again.
stay in touch!

since 2007 is over,
i shall learn to put it behind, and look forward to a new start.
the pains, the tears, the laughter, the smiles, the sweet and sour that you brought,
i'll keep in my memory, and let all be carved on stone,
so that in happy times, i'll know how to treasure them,
and in trying times, i'll know how to smile (;

may you be filled with
(may i meet the special you who is worth it)

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