Thursday, March 21, 2013

subtle (korean) eyeline-ing tips

pardon me for the photo of my eyes. well, here i just wanna share some tips with you about drawing the eyeliner. well, i cant say i have mastered the skill, but its definitely an improvement from the first time i sort of did a decent job in russia. so here's some tips on how to draw subtle eyeliner that doesnt make people think for a slightest moment that you got into a fight.

1. look down, close your eyes and pull the far end of your eye lids towards your ear.
2. holding it down flat, place the tip of your eyeliner as close to your lashes as possible and in short strokes, trace that line.
3. give it a little tick at the end if you want, or just end where your lashes end.
4. done.

i hope that helps you a bit to draw your eyeliner better. well, i dont do it everyday. its such a chore. and the more i draw it, the more cat-ish i look. so forget it. and i rub my eyes all the think, i will look like panda. plus, i always think that the eye make-up remover gets into your eyes and is bad for the eyes, so i try to do it as sparingly as possible.

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