Thursday, March 21, 2013

Keep Clam & Do Work

 my first notebook i used at my new work place. its basically a throw out notebook from my mum with the ITE logo on it. i just stuck a strip of recycle paper over and stick some pretty stickers and wrote my name and it worked that magic.

 a recycled notebook and a pen made from recycled material. how sweet is that match.

 some of the collaterals that i was given on my first day at work. well i'm sure by now you know how my stat board work their atas magic.

 my uber cool namecard that got my boyfriend so envious because its all so classy and presentable. thats the back of it. i removed the picture of the front. i dont want random people to be calling me.

 my extended screen that works magic for me. but this is the wrong cubical that they are housing me in. so i shifted to another cubical that has the sun light shinning in, keeping me from freezing in the office. in this cubical, its so cold, my colleagues and i agree that we have to wear gloves to function properly. thats how cold it is in here.

 i am using the SMU mug that one of my best uni mate gave me. she is getting married this sat and i'm her bridesmaid!!! weeeheeee.... but i got to work in the morning. how sad is that.

 the super good instant make it yourself matcha latte that helps me pull through the day. and once in a blue moon, i treat myself to some awfully chocolate truffles. they work wonders. my boyfriend got so envious, i gave him the last piece.

 more of my favourite drink, with mocha on top. its selling at 3 for $3 at cheers downstairs, but the offer is over and i am left with the last 2 matcha latte. sweet treats from my sweet colleague. its so precious to us, its still sitting in the fridge waiting to fill our tummies. i hope it hasnt spoil though.

 i was bored at work, i doddled this. i mis my boy all the time. awwwww......

 i'm now into my 4th notebook. gosh check out the number of notebooks that i have used up. i think i can go write books. now you know where i use my diy-covered notebooks.

 me at my new place, with my ultra cute hippo. if you follow my blog enough, i think you might have gathered by now that i love hippos. so love them! see care bear? my valentine's bouquet from the sweet love. i love to look at it and think of him. they look the same. gosh!

and last...... thats my ex-CEO for you. ok just for fun. hope you enjoyed the post. maybe when i get more cluttered in my cosy space, i will share more photos here. meanwhile, TGIF!

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