Saturday, July 12, 2008

this life...

i try sooo hard to please
i try to get into the top class,
i did it
i try to take higher chinese,
i did it
i try to get into top 10 JCs,
i did it
i try to get into the top uni,
i did it

you want me to learn piano,
i did
you want me to join choir,
i did
you want me to be pianist,
i did
you want me to not join camps,
i did
you want me to not go for prom,
i did
you want me to dress decently,
i did
you want me to give up squash,
i did
you want me to keep short hair,
i did
you want me the goody-daughter,
i did
you want me to not dye my hair,
i did
you want me to not be like other youngsters,
i did

you wanted me to give up nanyang for TJ
i stuck to my LOVE
you wanted me to give up chinese lit
i stand by my LOVE
you quitely wished i gave up art
i almost did
i feared i disgrace you,
i gave up my passion

all my life, i try too hard to PLEASE you,
but you choose only to see my flaws,
and nothing beyond that.
you are never satisfied with what you have
you always say i dont meet your expectations
but you never praised me when i really needed one
when can i just be JOANNE,
and nothing more than that?

-do the extremez-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha, people who don't fight hard enough for themselves just end up living someone else's life.
