Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mission Convention 2013 Youth Programe

20 - 21 July, we had our annual church Mission Convention. this year we had something different, we had the youth programme. basically youths were split into 3 groups and they were each assigned a country to research on and set up a booth to share with fellow church members more about this. what i have here is the commitment board that i designed and put up for the event. behind is the photo board that a young church brother did.

mission work needs the support of the church. monetary support is the most conventional way that many would choose to support the work of missionaries, but really, prayer support is just as important. here the commitment card that i have created allows anyone who picks it up to make a personal commitment in whatever way they could to support mission work. i should get a close up shot but i'm so sorry i dint. but dont you like the idea?!? 

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