Sunday, February 28, 2010


i think its high time i quit my 'i-dont-really-care'
and 'i-dunno' attitude.
well not really the latter,
since i still love using that phrase (;

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

kind-hearted soul

today i took bus service 2 home,
carrying in my arms a laptop,
a 2.5 inch thick Gandhi,
and 2 other SEA texts,
hooked on my fingers was my dinner,
and not forgetting my super huge school bag.
imagine that... ...
that's how i boarded the really crowded 2.

i was trying under my cool and calmness
to balance on the bus,
and a kind soul looked at me,
raised up his hands a little,
and offered to carry my texts for me...

for a moment,
i felt that there was still
a tint of humanity in this busy city

a big THANKS
to the passenger who offered me his help (;


you totally make my heart flutter!
但愿.. ...守得云开见月明!

Saturday, February 20, 2010



Friday, February 19, 2010


never knew you have such a bad impression of me even till this date. some things are long over and i think chance should be given for time to erase those bad memories. but it seems unlikely the case! utterly disappointed, or do i even have the right to feel disappointed in you under such circumstances?!!?

Thursday, February 18, 2010


无言到面前 与君分杯水
清中有浓意 流出心底醉
不论冤或缘 莫说蝴蝶梦
还你此生此世 今生前世

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


i miss those days we sat on the by the window, drinking beer, breathing in the cool morning air, and seeing nothing of the future but immersing in every bit of enjoyment of the moment! those were the days i escaped reality into neverland!

bring me back!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010



Saturday, February 13, 2010



Thursday, February 11, 2010


when we were young,
we do stupid things out of innocence.
but as we grow older,
we do even more stupid things
thinking that we know it best
and got them right!


Sunday, February 7, 2010



Saturday, February 6, 2010

剧毒 );

原来... ... 我中毒太深了!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010





我心里久久都有着怪怪的不安... ...

Monday, February 1, 2010

blue mind

Blue is the color of the sky and the ocean. Blue causes the body to produce chemicals that are calming, tranquil, and soothing. If you got this result then you are probably a very deep-feeling person who truly cares about the people you love. You see the good in everyone.

Your Personality can best be described by Blue! You are very emotional on the inside but put on a smile for the world, You have your own unique beauty no matter what those butts from school say. You keep your emotions bottled up, wanting nothing but the best for everyone else, you don\'t want them to worry about you. You are more careful about life than others but you still can\'t resist having some fun along the way. Your friends are the most important thing in the world in your opinion. You always find your own light in the darkest places, Don\'t ever let anything bring you down.. (:

Full of calm and tranquillity, people often find themselves drawn to you when they\'re emotionally frazzled. You have unerring patience and are happy to listen to others and be there for your friends when they need you most.\n\nDon\'t let yourself be fooled by your positive demeanour, however; you are prone to depressive swoops every now and again, and though they tend to be brief and unexplainable they can be consuming and mean that no one can reach out for you until they\'re over - at which time you return to your usual peaceful and light self once more.\n\nYou\'re a very honest person but are very good at making even the most harsh truths bearable - you have a talent for keeping people calm, emanating your own composure to those that need it. Also intelligent, you are a bright and keen learner, though sometimes may be unwilling to learn things that do not interest you - and why should you? Work to your strengths - and that’s exactly what you do.\n\nRemember: no matter how easy it is to keep cool under difficult circumstances, sometimes it may make you seem a bit ‘stand off-ish’ to those around you and make others wonder if you even care when things are falling apart around you or your friends. Take care to ensure people know that you understand and are not simply being ignorant.\n\nPositive Qualities:\n\n- Tranquil; calm; good listener; patient; honest; intelligent.\n\nNegative qualities:\n\n- Distant; full of emotion but rarely let others see; quickly changeable moods; at times unreachable.