Friday, December 31, 2010

恋爱-ing 101.2a

the 6 emotional traumas (1-3)

1. being rejected - 'mom, why don't you want me?'
everyone came to this world, wanting affection, first from our mother, then our parents, our relatives. soon as we began to grow older and become more sociable, we desire the affection from friends. as we step into our teenage years and early adulthood age, we seek the affection and love from the opposite sex. that's how we are, we are constantly seeking for affection and love from those around us. man in himself, cannot survive on solidarity.

however, in life, we do not always get the love we desire from the person we think ought to give us, hence some of us suffer from rejection since a young age, be it rejection from our parents, or even our friends, or crushes. this form of rejection, maybe be a one off traumatic event, or accumulated over the years, will make us feel rejected, unwanted, and this can and will eventually throw us into depression. a bible character that best explicits this feeling of being rejected is mosses.

as a result of being unable to tackle this feeling of rejection, more than often we find our relationship with people at stake, especially with regards to our interaction with the opposite sex, because we lack the confidence to foster this relationship with people. hence it is hard of people to find such person as a lively and warm spirit.

2. anger - 'you better think twice before stepping on my toe!'
human's emotions are like this, if they feel they have been wronged, they will get angry. now what makes someone an angry person? it is most probably a child that grew up in a family that is oppressive towards him, and scolds him even for the slightest mistake, or simply by not attaining his parent's expectation. children from such families will tend to suffer from hiding and suppressing their feelings. such people usual feel insecure, and once their emotions have been triggered, it is so explosive, no one dares to come near them. they are often angered or irritated by the slightest thing, and to which, their reaction is oversensitive. Jonah is such an example.

however, such persons often deny the fact that they are being hurt. hence they project this self-confident image of themselves. often a times, such people are also harsh with their words and have their own theories towards things. these characteristic are a result of their feeling of supremacy, which is often the culprit of dysfunctional relationships they encounter.

in the eyes of the opposite sex. this self-confidence on first sight be deemed attractive, but in the long run, one is bound to find such a 'quality' a 'disaster' because of the endless quarrels that might occur throughout their relationship, even into marriage.

3. love-void-syndrome - 'if only someone loves me...'
Jacob is such a person. what is love-void-syndrome? this syndrome occurs when a children experience the lack of love during their childhood, this results in them always wanting more love more love from people.

in a relationship, such people tend to demand love, and more love from their partner. their desire and appetite for love is insatiable. in times when their relationship is going well, they tend to be very proactive, passionate, but conversely, once their relationship is met on rocks, they will become overly pessimistic about things. they are more steadfast in their love than most people, and they will subconsciously or unconsciously try to control their partner, or love their partner too much till it becomes suffocating. such people are easy to get suspicious even after they get married.

meanwhile, keep faith, pray hard, and don't give up!
[lets date!]

Thursday, December 30, 2010




Monday, December 27, 2010

恋爱-ing 101.1

this is a period of life that we begin to look around us for the other half that makes our heart whole. but many have found themselves lost, not knowing how to make the first step.

i know i am in not much position to talk about this with my very limited experience, but recently i chanced upon this book about dating, and i thought its a pretty insightful one. i felt its good stuff to share it with my blog's ardent fans.

before i begin, i would just like to quote something my best friend Jovena once said: 'you know, its likes buying a pair of shoes, its about wanting the pair that is beautiful but hurts your feet, or getting the pair that fits you comfortably, but may not be the most pretty one.'

this analogy describes finding your soul mate in a nutshell. i believe most of us want the best of both worlds, but when it comes to really making the decision, which will you pick? the precedent or the latter?

mastering the art of dating
why is everyone dating except me?!?

everyone is attractive in their unique own way. there is not a person that is not attractive. the reason why one question 'why nobody likes me? why am i still single?' is because he has yet to unleash his x factor and use it wisely to attract the opposite sex.

there are 2 reasons why one's charisma is being hidden;
1. oneself(自己)- beauty does not equate to being charismatic.
2. emotional trauma(创伤)- because of the emotional trauma that we have experienced previously, we (sub)/(un)-consciously hide our strengths, and because of this, we have a skewed view and understanding of ourself, thus not knowing how lovely and attractive we can be, and hence, losing our self-confidence in the process.

to understand ourselves better, and to discover and unleash our strengths, one ought to know which category of the 6 emotional trauma one falls under. with this knowledge, you will then be able to pin point your weakness(es), change them, and be the most attractive person!

i shall leave you with this for the time being, and the next time round, i will share with you more about the 6 common types of emotional trauma, their potential pit holes, and how to overcome them.

meanwhile, keep faith, pray hard, and don't give up!
[lets date!]

Thursday, December 23, 2010


i used to think,
or rather, i always thought,
i have no musical talent,
so i always end up screwing things up,
but well,
it seems not the case so.
even people who are deemed more musically inclined than me,
they screw things up too,
just that well,
i screw it more often,
i guess.

interlocking circles

because Ms Jean wants me the upload them, so here they are.

but rather i would say, because we finally made them,
after going through much together,
so there is a need to show them off a little.

his ring : in.God.i'm.possible + Joanne
her ring : LOVE overcomes all things + Marcus

may that when the boyfriend meets any trying time in life,
he holds on to the Lord that never fails him.

may that in times when the girlfriend finds that their relationship is on rocks,
she will remember how they made in through all those that came before,
and be encouraged that they will walk through it hand in hand

Monday, December 20, 2010


i am really immersed in His grace and blessings!

i ought to make a testimony of how Great my Lord is!

you know, this sem has been one of the most challenging sem.
i got one of the most irresponsible profs in my 5 sems in SMU,
i took 2 cores, 2 lgsts, thinking they were a good mix of difficulty,
but i was so wrong, each made me weary to such a great extend,
and well, having to juggle between study and relationship,
that proves to be the most challenging of all!
and of course, not forgetting my target this sem.
all these just made the sem less than easy going!

i remembered how i trembled after my ethics, and twc exam,
how i feared so much that i will fail them.
i recalled the day after my last paper, and the release of my twc grades,
how my dear boy tried to console me that everything will be fine,
but deep down, that fear nobody could ease.
i looked at the target setting table that i wrote,
how i hated to look at it because i might fall way below.
i worried till my heart and soul begun to wilt.

then that night in Medan,
i asked the preacher who share a room with me,
'how do i trust God?'
'Just take faith and throw away your logic,
He works in ways man's logic can never fathom'
that replied, i kept it in my heart and i did just that.
i prayed day and night about it whenever i could.

the days and weeks that followed,
i locked fear up in the deepest dungeon of my heart,
and welcomed faith and hope to be my guests.
i opened my heart, and happily busied
with church Christmas celebration preparation.

OASIS was meant to release our results last Friday,
but it was postponed till today.
i can still feel my heart pounding hard,
i can still hear my voice inside,
just saying 'Thank God, you listened to my prayers'
words cannot describe how much gratitude i have,
all i know, is i must share this amazing God with you!
not only did He helped me survive this semester,
He showed me if i trust Him,
and if what i want is what He pleases,
He gave it to me.
I hit my target,
and i got a decent grade for Coy law
to continue my 2nd major.

i have experienced this wonderful God again and again,
He never fails me, and i am blessed in His plan.
i urge you to open your heart to Him,
and experience this God in your life today!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

dream bag

this balenciaga handbag totally makes me crazy over them!

i've been talking about getting a new bag for months,
and i FINALLY got a Mel look alike!!!

(at the price of my passport, wow how great is that!)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


i should know the way back so well,
that it is at the tips of my fingers,
since i've been here so many times,
... ... but no,
each time i stand at this end of the journey,
i am lost all over again
and i wonder how to find my way back.
wont you hold my hand and guild me
back to where happiness lives?
maybe you want to,
but i think,
we all have to find our own way back,
by ourselves.

get the roadmap!
don't get lost again!


you know, all my life,
people tell me, 'you do this, you do that,
you cant do this, you cant do that.'
nobody really ask me how i feel inside.
i tell them to myself.

maybe its because they tried asking,
but in vein, so they gave up asking,
and soon, no one listens.
i talk to myself.

i hear other people talk,
i hear other people laugh,
its a world so silent to me,
i hardly hear my voice,
i hear them all the time,
because they talk to me.

i don't know how i feel,
every-time i feel sick inside,
i just hug my hippos,
they listen to me weep,
they dry my tears for me,
i find solace in their silence.

all these while,
i've forgotten how to tell you how i feel.
maybe it matters,
maybe it does not.
but i think it makes no difference,
i have long forgotten how to feel.
even if i do,
they are locked up in the dusty attics of my heart.

my silence,
they tell you everything,
everything you ought to know.

don't try to understand,
because neither do i.

Monday, December 13, 2010


because i was a little bored since my parents weren't home yet,
so i dug around for my mum's eyeliner,
which she used as a brow-liner instead,
but never-mind that.

i starting doing what a girl should do;
trying to put on some make-up,
and it was... ...

my hands failed to listen to my command,
and i draw incomplete lines,
that i had to re-do the fill the gaps in,
and the result was;
a thick rugged line above and below my lashes.
oh smoky eyes!

i look more like so demon than pretty girl.
but anyway, at least i could say,
i ever did tried putting on some eyeliner!

anyway, it was a hiccup of entertainment for me (:

Sunday, December 12, 2010

dear God,

Dear God,
When I’m scared, will you hold my hand?
~ age 4

stumble over this prayer while i was doing a little image research on Google.
it makes me stop for a long long time.

there are many moments in life,
that we held on to our comfort blanket,
and we feared.
i was not exception.
i fear, constantly,
of many things.
as i grow older, i fear more,
and this fear eats into the faith that i should have in Him,
i began to lose sight of His almighty-ness.

this period of time,
its like those all over again.
its no longer fear of the dark like when i was little,
but the same fear of not doing well,
not meet up to expectations again.
not those set by those around me,
but my the me inside.

i am at the verge,
i realised worrying, fearing, is no solution.
i asked my preacher roomie one day,
'how do i have faith in Him?'
and her reply,
'throw away logic,
He works in ways,
man's logic can never fathom.'

i think that is the best advice given.

i'm throwing away logic,
and just trusting,
taking faith.

if you are in such weariness just like me,
throw away logic,
pick up faith!
pick up hope!
EVERYTHING is possible in Him!
let Him hold your hands.


ok, so the boyfriend's all packed up to battle his exams,
while i am here about to surrender to my grades,
that are to be released soon.

so the wait is long and i must as well do something that i like,
and its such irony, i realized.

social science, is a course about reading
and more reading, and endless readings,
that finishing them would be too faraway a price for most.
they never fail to make me wanna throw them out,
but guess what,
i'm so glued to reading now while i wait for love to finish his exams
that i have forgotten that TV used to be my best friend,
and Google and Facebook used to be an everyday guest.

i guess, at the end of the day, i love reading,
be it boring academic papers,
or long long biographies,
or must-read classics,
or interesting novels,
i love them all,
just the same.


talking about reading,
it reminds me that i wanna get a new pair of specs soon!
i'm wearing a half-brimmed black specs,
i think want to get a full-brimmed black specs.
nerdy to the max, but i believe,
i'll still look chic in them!

Friday, December 3, 2010


plain marshmallows,
chocolate-filled marshmallows,
grape flavoured marshmallows,
all these are the common flavours of marshmallows
that we can check out at the counter.
but, what about lemon-filled marshmallows?!?!

i happened to chanced by a pack of
lemon-filled marshmallows
while shopping with Ms Jean at Muji today.
gosh! its awesome!

the light refreshing taste of lemon first tint my mouth
as my tongue twirl itself around the little sponge of joy,
then, with a light squeeze on the pale yellow marsh,
woots, lemon fillings oozed out and
floods my mouth with endless refreshing taste of lemon!
oh such divine lemon marshmallows!!!!

only for $1.90 at MUJI!!!
get them now!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

fast-forward in time

yesterday, i had my plans changed 5-6 times, i was so pissed off, but thanks to my lovely one, he never fails to paint a beautiful smile on my face. because the person who has finished all her exams has the right to being a little high, a little less sane than normal, i was back to being my hysteric self once again. in the car on the way home, i think i must be too happy or something, i ended up singing ‘贺新年' like nobody's business. i know he doesn't like hearing it, because his exams aren't over yet and here i am fast-forwarding time to next year. but nonetheless, he still sang along to add into the fun. anyway, he seems to love the song more than me now and he is singing them even in the messages he send me! so here's the lyrics for you:
賀新年 祝新年 新年哪 年連年 爆竹聲聲催人想幼年 
賀新年 祝新年 新年哪 年連年 歲月悠悠光陰如箭 
回首往事如煙 痛苦辛酸 寄望從今萬事如願 
賀新年 祝新年 新年哪 年連年 願大家都過個太平年
you know, i think its just a Christmas thing for me. every time the Christmas bells begin to ring, i dream of lunar new year's coming, and i singing new year songs instead of Christmas carols.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


this is one word that is so powerful
that i need it so badly now!

i need so see some hope,
i am feeling so hope-less inside.
save me oh Lord,
help me to trust and keep faith in You,

Monday, November 29, 2010


it officially the end of my fateful year 3 semester 1. come to think of it, time flies.

learning... ...

company law, its so interesting to learn how companies function, learn about things that used to riddle my so non-business inclined brain like stocks, shares, charges, etc. i really love company law, its so interesting! company is no longer just a term i would think of like before anymore. it has become more like a new friend to me.

ethics was challenging, so brain-teasing it makes me want to pull out my hair and cry. its just so weird to start thinking about ethical dilemmas when i am day-dreaming. i dont think i really like ethics so much, but it just surprises me how they suddenly come into my mind and steal a moment of my time to ponder about them.

trade law, the first half was full of learning new knowledge about private international law, but the second, i think it was a waste of time.

technology and world change, well its a university core. i still dont understand why do i have to study it even till now that i am done with the module. but i think it helps me to understand how the world progressed and function over its long history.

studying... ...

studying, its such a chore, but pasting post-it notes to flag my notes and articles like crazy definitely added a tint of colour to the grey studying routines.
at the end of the day, which student wont want their effort to mark up to the grades they get?

holidays... ...

hello holidays!!! i am in such a love-hate relationship with you! i love you because you mean freedom, but i hate you because, you make me waste time like water running from the tap.

this might just be a longest winter holiday that i am having, but i am not going to look for an internship to keep myself occupied. all i want to do, is spend lots of time here with the people who love me, and whom i love, doing crazy yet memorable stuff together and treasuring every moment i can spend with them now.

actually, i love learning, its so fun, provided its without the studying.

Monday, November 8, 2010

your smile

these few days,
blue is the colour of the air we breathe in.
quietness is the language we speak in.
i forgot how your smile looked like,
i forgot how i felt so fuzzy in your arms,
i looked at the photos that fills my album,
i see you smile again,
i see myself smile again,
bolted back into reality,
purple is the colour that fills my air,
its red, mixed with blue.
uncertainty is the language we speak.
i want to see you smile again,
i want to smile again.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

overheard - head and neck

Mr. Panda: Baby, now that I’m your husband, I’m officially the Head of this unit, so you have to listen and do what I tell you, ok?

Mrs. Princess Panda: Sure, ok! *beams*

Mr. Panda: *suspicious*

Mrs. PP: You can be the Head no problem. And I can be the Neck! (:

Mr. P: *blinks at me*

Mrs. PP: So you see, I’ll be right below you…but I will determine your course. *smirk*

Mr. P: …….!!!!

Mrs. PP: *feeling pleased with myself*

Mr. P: *long pause* You know baby, people never talk about slitting the head do they? It’s always ‘slitting the throat/neck’. And do you know why?

Mrs. PP: *glare at Mr. Panda*

Mr. P: *pats my bristling head tenderly*….It’s because when you slit the neck, the head dies. Just like if anything happens to you, I’m finished.

Mrs. PP: *melts* Awww….ok lah, you can determine our course too….*big hugs*

And THIS is how Mr. Panda rules the roost! (;

-- adapted from Prof Haidakusumo's Blog

Sunday, October 24, 2010







Saturday, October 23, 2010


(a conversation with my little nephew)

'do you have games inside?'
'aunt, next time when you grow up,
you must get an iphone,
so that you can download and play games!'

thats the iphone generation.
(fyi) little David is 4 this yr

Friday, October 22, 2010


if you saw the video i shared on facebook,
it seems like KOI is bad,
or rather, bubble tea is bad in general.

so they shrunk things up
and here's what is essentially inside your bbtea :
sugar syrup,
flavour essence,
potato/sago flour,
and water.

effects of drinking too much bbtea:
narrowing of arteries,

immediate problem of drinking bbtea:

so moral of the story?
be like the little Danbo,
自能望梅止渴 );

Thursday, October 21, 2010


is this what humans value?
how long will beauty last?
how far will beauty go?
how deep will beauty get?
is this really beauty?

would you want to date a gorgeous looking girl,
be the envy of everyone else,
but dread to wake up each morning,
only to find yourself in a nightmare,
next to someone not as pretty as she seems.

ask then, which girl wouldn't yearn to find someone
who accepts them for everything they are,
especially for how she looks,
be it she is slim, plump, tall, short,
even in the days when she just feels 'not-so-pretty'

its a deceiving world ):

Sunday, October 17, 2010


thats the sweetest promise you ever made.

i'm sorry for the anger, for the coldness,
but i never stop loving you despite that,
and thank you for not giving up.

dear, i love you,
we will watch the sunset together one day.


is a better compliment than
'I Love You'
you may not always trust the person you love,
you can always will always love the person you trust'

how true and sweet these words are, but they never come from you. how can you say you love me when your trust in me is so stingy. where can i find happiness from someone who holds me close to him but doubt my heart. in those instances, we were so close, yet we were miles apart. who am i to you? what am i to you?

in this pursuit, i lost myself. i looked through the reflection in your eyes and wonder who is it that you are seeing? who is this that is immersing in your love? what is it of this reflection that captures your love? was it me? or was it the gratification that you find solace in?

where can i find consolation in your words? or are they mere words said to mask how you know you cant give me your trust? were they said just pacify the naive me? why tell me you would consider the escape route out of this hurting when you know you want to prove me wrong? why wont you just say it straight and simple? din't it ever cross your mind how that will put across to me? don't you realize how much disappointment will engulf me?

this taste of disappointment is so bitter as it holds in my mouth and slowly drip into my heart. i touched my face. but this face is no longer familiar to me. the lines of it all, so odd and so sad.

i'm tired, really.

Friday, October 15, 2010

facebook stalker

facebook... ...

almost always, i find myself moving the mouse over and clicking on the tap 'facebook'.
it has soon become a routine that i will check fackbook for the latest news updates.
when there is a few moments to slack a little, i find myself staring at facebook.
more than often i just left myself logged into facebook for no apparent reason.
often or more so always, i wonder why the hell am i on facebook stalking people?
its not as if i am so interested in them that i want to know every move of their's.
neither am i such an attention seeker that i want to let the whole network stalk me.
neither isit the fact that i have nothing better to do than be on facebook.
so why on earth do i always find myself on facebook?
being a silent stalker on facebook is NOT my hobby!

i think i seriously need to GET A LIFE!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


LOVE is not a mere emotion -
it is a decision to do what's right
and good for another person.

Love is... ...
forgiving, knowing that anger will do nothing good,
listening to each other's stories, and cry together,
accepting everything that makes up the person,
dare to be the real you in each other's presence,
taking care of each other when sickness falls,
sensing and responding to each other's need,
encouraging and supporting each other,
understanding the fears and weakness,
reminding each other of the memories,
reassuring each other time and again,
doing the most crazy things together,
loving the strengths and the flaws,
loving beyond the skin,
a responsibility,
never ending.

add-ins by the boyfriend;
love is... ...
with you around!
(argh how can i forget this?!?! this is the most important of all!)

Monday, October 11, 2010


they give some form of hope,
they carry one's dream into the universe,
they are hold your little prayers to the Creator.
it is a symbol of BELIEVING!

the way you are

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they’re not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying

She’s so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don’t see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she’d let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy

She’s so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you’re searching for
Then just stay the same

So don’t even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There’s not a thing that I would change
Cause you’re amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

Sunday, October 10, 2010


if one does not know / understand the concept of 'Difficult',
does it mean that he will never find something,
or better still, anything difficult at all?

if this is logical,
then shouldn't we unlearn the concept of 'Difficult',
so that we will embrace everything in our stride
and believe we can do whatever that is given to us?

Saturday, October 9, 2010


i had a dream the other day after seeing some photos on fb.
in the dream... they snared at me, and mocked me... ...
they said, '你还看得过去, 但不能吃, 也没有用!'





stairway to heaven

first of october, its children's day
Jesus took grandma home... ...
Pastor Ong said,
she became a child again,
and Jesus received her
with both hands wide open
into the gates of Heaven.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

it takes two hands to clap

'it takes two hands to clap, i have one here... ...'


Friday, September 17, 2010



走过了春夏 秋天雨季的漫长
终於也来到 冬季的严寒
生命的无常 只要有你的陪伴

窗外风雨虽然大 我们从来都不怕
只要有彼此在身旁 就是我的家
完美可以很简单 只要过得没遗憾
我们肩并着肩 再艰难的路都不怕

故事再平凡 也有美丽的篇章
每一页写下 快乐的片段
单纯的乐章 只要能有你分享

窗外风雨虽然大 我们从来都不怕
只要有彼此在身旁 就是
完美可以很简单 只要过得没遗憾
我们肩并着肩 再艰难的路都不怕

窗外风雨虽然大 我们从来都不怕
只要有彼此在身旁 就是我的家
完美可以很简单 只要过得没遗憾
我们肩并着肩 再艰难的路都不怕

Thursday, September 16, 2010





又来到这个港口 没有原因的拘留
我的心乘着斑剥的轻舟 寻找失落沙洲
随时间的海浪漂流 我用力张开双手
想念的 还是你望着我的眼波

我不是一定要你回来 只是当又一个人看海
回头才发现你不在 留下我迂回的徘徊
我不是一定要你回来 只是当又把回忆翻开
除了你之外的空白 还有谁能来教我爱

又回到这个尽头 我也想再往前走
越遗憾 没有你分享我的感动

我不是一定要你回来 只是当又一个人看海
回头才发现你不在 留下我迂回的徘徊
我不是一定要你回来 只是当又把回忆翻开
除了你之外的空白 还有谁能来教我爱

我不是一定要你回来 只是当又一个人看海
疲惫的身影不是我 不是你想看见的我
我不是一定要你回来 只是当独自走入人海
除了你之外的依赖 还有谁能教我勇敢

除了你之外的空白 还有谁能来教我爱

Thursday, September 9, 2010

divorce letter

Dear wife:

I’m writing you this letter to tell you that I’m leaving you forever. I’ve been a good man to you for 7 years & I have nothing to show for it.
These last 2 weeks have been hell.

Your boss called to tell me that you quit your job today & that was the last straw. Last week, you came home & didn’t even notice I had a new haircut, had cooked your favorite meal & even wore a brand new pair of silk boxers. You ate in 2 minutes, & went straight to sleep after watching all of your soaps. You don’t tell me you love me anymore; you don’t want sex or anything that connects us as husband & wife. Either you’re cheating on me or you don’t love me anymore; whatever the case, I’m gone.

Your EX-Husband
P.S. don’t try to find me. Your SISTER & I are moving away to West Virginia together! Have a great life!


Dear Ex-Husband

Nothing has made my day more than receiving your letter.

It’s true you & I have been married for 7 years, although a good man is a far cry from what you’ve been. I watch my soaps so much because they drown out your constant whining & griping Too bad that doesn’t work. I DID notice when you got a hair cut last week, but the 1st thing that came to mind was ‘You look just like a girl!’ Since my mother raised me not to say anything if you can’t say something nice, I didn’t comment. And when you cooked my favorite meal, you must have gotten me confused with MY SISTER, because I stopped eating pork 7 years ago. About those new silk boxers: I turned away from you because the $49.99 price tag was still on them, & I prayed it was a coincidence that my sister had just borrowed $50 from me that morning.

After all of this, I still loved you & felt we could work it out. So when I hit the lotto for 10 million dollars, I quit my job & bought us 2 tickets to Jamaica But when I got home you were gone.. Everything happens for a reason, I guess.

I hope you have the fulfilling life you always wanted. My lawyer said that the letter you wrote ensures you won’t get a dime from me.

So take care.

Your Ex-Wife, Rich As Hell & Free!

P.S. I don’t know if I ever told you this, but my sister Carla was born Carl.

I hope that’s not a problem