Monday, August 5, 2013


it was all so coincidental. by right, i am supposed to be at work, by right, she was supposed to be at home. but by left, we were both not at where we were supposed to be and that's how amazing that life brought us to meet again.

she is my primary school art teacher and then primary 4 form teacher. she was fierce, she once pushed my head because i did something wrong, i guess it was some careless mistake that i made in my worksheet. i remembered crying once i got back to my seat. but she was the one that inspired me, developed my passion for drawing, for art. she gave me the chance to take part in art competitions, win top prizes and opened my eyes to different genre of art forms.

after leaving primary school i made a few visits back but only learnt that she has retired the year i left. i had always wanted to find her contacts, to contact her again. there was a chance i managed to fish out her mobile number for a fellow teacher but lost all of my precious contacts when i was pick pocketed in russia. there and then, i thought, there is no chance to keep in touch with her.

but today, it was just so amazing. she came out of her car while my mum drove passed and i just stare at her in shock. my mum pulled over so that i could catch up with her and its just amazing how fate has gave us the chance to meet again.

life's amazing isnt it?

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