Wednesday, August 14, 2013

foreign land

it has been almost a year since i serve as our church youth fellowship's chairperson. this was one of the first programme that i had planned for the group, a cosy reflection, thanksgiving and encouragement session. here, everyone made a little encouragement book for the person whom they have balloted and everyone gets to write something encouraging inside for the person. 

today as i look back, i wonder how far have we come thus far as a fellowship. looking back at the me then, i was full of vigour, full of passion, dreams and hope to make this a better place that everyone could call home. i dont know how have my members taken it. but its such an irony that i stand in solitude here and i wonder how long more can my tired legs carry me. yes you may say God is there to lead and guide me and carry me through, but now, i am tired, really tired. i want to take a seat by the side of this road and rest my tired legs. 

dear God, i'm sorry, i am really tired and weak now. please help me. 

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