Sunday, August 11, 2013

dear friends, you dont know

with the proliferating use of social media, some social etiquette must be taught and learnt. for the things you post though may not be intentional, will be read by your friends, your relatives, common friends, the person you are hinting at. by having another person liking or commenting in support of your post, does not help. dear friends of friend, you do not know that the comment you post cursing that shadowed person that is being pointed to in the status post to "go and die" is actually reading your post and at the verge of giving up life. your unintended insensitive comment, can be an indirect stream of poison added to the situation. dear friend of friend, you do not know the other side of the story, please do not comment or curse as freely as if the intended person does not read it. you never know he/she is reading it as you happily forgot what you have written. dear friend, i urge you, in anger or frustration, restrain yourself and do not post anything that will cast a shadow on someone and try to gain likes from your friends. dear friends of friend, by your little click or small comment, you never know you might have hurt the person that you dint know is the receiving end of this. 

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