Wednesday, May 9, 2012

traffic review

to all who happened to bump onto my blog by coincidence, 
or those who have eventually like to follow my blog, 
to friends who read my blog regularly, 

big THANK YOU to you for showing your support. 
your little action helps to make my blog more known to 1 more person. 


=) said...


joanne chen said...

heys i made a pininterest account. still playing around with it to get a hang of it. i am still figuring out how to get the chat box to show, but i cant seem to be able to do it ):

joanne chen said...

yes i did it! my chatbox is finally visible! check it out at the navi bar. heys, if you have comments to make regarding my posts, do it here, if not use chat instead k. thanks!

=) said...

I'm like addicted to Pinterest.

=) said...

One improvement would be to link your pins to the exact blog post that it came from so the person don't have to scroll through your entire blog to find that particular post.

joanne chen said...

how to do that? i wanted to do that, but i cant!

joanne chen said...

i did it! heys check out all my pins about my diy on pininterest!
btw, do u have a pininterest account?

=) said...

No,sadly i dun.