Wednesday, August 8, 2012

i'm going to visit Uncle Ho!

holiday plans for national day? Hanoi, Vietnam! i'm going to visit Uncle Ho!!! its my first national day out of town, thanks to my big boy who keeps bugging me to go overseas with him. oh well, its a good break away from my first month of work, so i'm looking forward to it!!! especially pho!

photos will come soon! how many times have i said that man? i have yet to upload my commencement photos! gosh, work really weights me down. and consider the fact that i have church commitments on weekends, time is really tight. well, its only when you grow up and start working that you realised, time is no longer yours, and you better manage your time well before you realise half of your life is gone. 

well, i'm trying my best to keep this blog alive, so thanks to my best friends who never fails to read my blog, though i update less now. but we will meet soon and catch up!!! looking forward to that!

happy National Day holidays people!!!!!

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