Sunday, July 6, 2008


i'm toe-ing the line of perfection

i must be the perfect daughter
i must be the perfect student
i must be the perfect teacher
i must be the perfect pianist
i must be the perfect person
i must be the perfect maid
i must be the perfect girl
i must be the superwoman

what if...
one day you realised... ...
i have not gotten into the top university
i have undesireable disgusting habits
i have no flare for doing house chores
i have horrible attitudes, bad temper
i have fallen far beyond expectations
i have sucidal/murderous thoughts
i have the worst piano skills
i have absolutely no brains
i have stagnant spritual life
i have a non-christian mate... ....

everything that holds the facade
will shatter into a thousand pieces

it is so called a place where people
but no, honesty i dont think they do.
people expect you to be the '万能膏'
they name it, at fingers snap,
you are to produce it, perfect.
they do not allow mistakes,
they say they wont laugh,
but they do, even if it was
the slightest tumble,
they wait for your fall to laugh.
they say they have forgotten,
but they have not.

everything is 'they say'
but which is reflected by their actions?


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