Friday, July 18, 2008

Perfect Match

i recently just finished reading this
novel by Jodi Picoult.

there's a reason why i chose this
book cover, because, i love
the way he stares, like there are
deep thoughts in him.

Synopsis :
As a assistant district attorney, Nina Frost
prosecutes the sort of crimes that tear
families apart. but when Nina and her
husband discovers that their 5-year old
son Natheniel has been sexually abused,
it is her own family that is deverstated.
The world Nina inhabits now seems different
from the one she lived in yesterday;
the lines between family and professional
life are erased; and answers to questions
she thought she knew are no longer easy
to find. Overcome by anger and desperate
for vengeance, Nina ignites a battle that
may cause her to lose the very thing
she's fighting for.

I'm not a mother myself,
maybe i cant emphasize just
as well, but Jodi keeps you
questioning yourself through
out the novel, 'if i were Nina,
will i do it the same way?'
'is Nina the hero or not?'
Besides, the many plot twist
keeps you reading from
cover to cover, and even
when you have finished it,
you will look back, and admire
the characters for their
courage, for the bravery,
for the love they hold
so dear to their hearts.

Nina Frost - I admire her as
the mother, who, in the name
of Natheniel's protector,
will go to the extremes to
protect her 'life'-Natheniel.
Yet sometimes, you really 'hate' her,
and wished she just shut-up,
bacause the reader knows
she is wrong this time round,
she does not know what's
the best, but yet she
insists that she does!

Caleb Frost - This is one character
that i really love, through out the
novel, he seems like he din't care,
he appears like he never approved
to his wife's actions, he will do anything
just to stay away from this 'monster'
that has overtook his wife's form
one morning. Yet, at the end of the novel,
Jodi makes you change your
impression of this big man.
He proves his love, for his
wife, for his family,
through his silent actions.

Natheniel Frost - The little boy who
is more mature than other kids his age,
because of what happened
to him. Picoult carefully crafted every
detail of Natheniel so that readers could
see the incident through the eyes of this
5-year old, and understand his thoughts.
Moreover, Jodi also use Natheniel's
thoughts to question the theme and
key issues brought up.
Nina: 'Natheniel, you did something wrong,
but you are stilla good boy'
Natheniel: 'What about Gwynne?'
Nina: 'No, he did something wrong,
and he is a bad person'
Natheniel: 'What about you?'
Nina: ... (tight for an answer)

Patrick Ducharme - The police detective
in the story. This is a character i'm in a
love-hate relationship with. Love him,
because he will go the extra mile for Nina,
even if it meant that he will lose his job.
Hate him, because he always seems like a
3rd party in the little Frost family.
Seems a little extra sometimes.

On the whole, i will recommend this book,
with the rating of * * * */5*s

-go grab it!-

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