Saturday, February 16, 2013

[diy] notebook wrapped in foolscap paper

 you will need:
1. foolscap paper
2. diy rubber stamp, or any kind of stamp you like
3. ink pad
4. scissors and glue
5. notebook that you dont like the cover

  easy, just stamp your designs in any way you want to make a pattern like the above. let dry and use a tissue paper to wipe off any rubber bits (because i am using an easer diy stamp here)

 wrap the foolscap paper over the cover like how i have done it in my previous posts about redesigning your notebook cover.

 done! on the left, the front, i added a piece of scrap white paper as a label for future use to write my name, or the purpose of this book etc. on the right, is the back of the notebook. 

hope you like the share! 

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