Friday, February 18, 2011


it always makes me feels happy to hear
someone and someone is together, finally!

somehow, i think, love's cupid has finally decided to bless us,
almost all, this year, with someone special.
and i like it, to share this joy of yours.

a friend of mine used to tell me this;
getting into a relationship - that's easy, just find one,
but getting out of a relationship - that's tough.

such words of wisdom,
for me, and for you (who is reading my blog).

love's not just about the sweetness and lovey dovey-ness of it,
but its a journey of molding and sculpturing each other.
everyone is a unique self, but in a relationship,
its about how we each learn to give and take,
and thus slowly becoming the best fit for each other.
there bound to be ups and downs - that's life,
but don't be disheartened, believe in each other,
there is always a rainbow awaiting the rain to end.

i wish all those in love,
love deeply.
and of course,
i must say,
Thank God for the special you in my life.
you are my sunshine!

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